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Find Out if You're Ready for the CAE Test (Or Could Pass It Again!)

June 8, 2016

Group of students taking a test at the university

The CAE examination – leading to the Certified Association Executive designation – is “designed to elevate professional standards, enhance individual performance, and identify association professionals who demonstrate the knowledge essential to the practice of association management.” Thus starts the premier study guide for CAE candidates.

The credential is now held by more than 4,000 people worldwide. These individuals continue to pursue a high level of personal commitment to continuing education and professional development. There are requirements for professional development, volunteer service, and other activities that must be attested to every three years in order to maintain the credential.

If you’re thinking about being at the top of your profession in association and nonprofit management, you must consider taking the CAE exam. enSYNC proudly supports the CAE exam and what it stands for, and employs CAEs and encourages the pursuit of the CAE among the organizations we visit.

Testing your knowledge of association management

So here, just for fun, we’re presenting some questions that test you on your knowledge of association management. They are not constructed like true CAE test questions, but you will be able to tell if you’ve got a good start on the knowledge base you’ll need to proceed with the test. If you have your CAE already, use it as a little refresher of what you’ve learned.

Questions are taken or adapted from the premier study resource for the profession – CAE Study Guide 2015 – Preparation Reference for the Certified Association Executive Exam, edited by Kathleen M. Edwards, CAE. Page numbers are referenced in each question.

Furthermore, to be eligible to sit for the CAE exam, you must:

  • Be employed (currently or within the past five years) in a qualifying nonprofit organization or association management company.
  • Have sufficient qualifying association management experience (three years as a CEO or five years as an employee at a qualifying organization).
  • Have a bachelor’s degree or higher, or fulfill professional equivalency requirements. Applicants without a qualifying degree must submit eight additional years of professional work experience to qualify to take the exam. Each year of completed undergraduate studies may be substituted for two years of professional work experience.
  • Have completed a minimum of 100 hours of broad-based association management-related professional development activities within the five years preceding the application.
  • Sign an attestation to uphold ASAE’s Standards of Conduct.
  • Disclose any felony convictions.

So here, just for fun, are a few things you might need to know if you want to be a CAE.

Learn more about the CAE and how you can earn it on the American Society of Association Executive's website.