Technology & digital transformation | Nonprofits & associations | Member engagement
October 24, 2018
|To prepare for your texting program, here are some tips to get started:
Enable the "Communications Tab" on your Member profile.
ensure that you have a button clearly indicating an opt-in preference for texts
ensure that they know where to put their cell phone number
Prepare an opt-in page on your website or via email so that directions are clearly spelled out for participation in the program. Please make sure you include:
a specific opt-in process
how many texts they can expect
what kinds of text messages they can expect
instructions for opting out of the service should they decide to do so
this message: “message and data rates may apply”
Prepare your member application in the same way so that you can collect this information at the time of join. You must have a specific written confirmation that the member is opting in to texting.
Use this for ideas on what to put on your opt-in page.
We want to communicate with you fast, whenever we have important news to share. We are beginning a texting program to send you messages about important Association news.
Would you like to opt-in to this service so that you can receive fast and action-oriented information from the Association?
Please note the following:
We invite you to participate in our texting service by clicking the button below, signing in to your member record, and choose “I am opting in to text service.” Please be sure to check your cell phone number to ensure its accuracy.
Mark’s enthusiasm spreads wherever he goes. His specialty is learning all about your organization and sharing ideas for best practices.
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