Nonprofit Organizations
We love helping all kinds of organizations thrive with the help of technology, and that definitely includes nonprofits. Our tech solutions and strategic consultancy have helped more than 500 non-profit organizations in many fields - religious, charitable, scientific - to reach their goals and grow.
Let’s start by clarifying - what is a nonprofit organization?
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What’s a Nonprofit?
Associations are usually run as both tax-exempt organizations and as nonprofit entities, but these things are not the same, and they don’t both apply in all cases.
Nonprofit Status
Nonprofit status refers to how the association was incorporated under state law: charitable organizations, research institutes, and public charities may qualify for this. The nonprofit status does not mean you are not allowed to generate profits - what it means is that those profits must be used to fulfill the association’s goals, and not be distributed to the people who run the association. There can be profits, but they must not be personal profits, and according to the law they must be used towards meeting the association goals. Nonprofit organizations include religious organizations, environmental associations, educational groups, and more.
Tax Exempt Status
Tax exempt status means that income made from the association’s line of work is not subject to federal income taxes - the opposite of a for-profit corporate entity, who must be taxed on its business-related income. Federal tax exemption usually means the organization’s income is exempt from tax at both state and federal levels.
Improved PerformanceOur technical and strategic expertise has helped many for-profit businesses manage their finances better, keep control of tax-deductible expenses, and stay on the right side of the Internal Revenue Service. We can help you too, both to keep track of your tax-exempt income and to keep control of your financial info so you can file under the appropriate tax codes for your Unrelated Business Income (UBI).
How enSYNC Can Help
Going over your planning and strategies to make sure they are optimal
Provide immediate, actionable advice to make your organization more effective and efficient
Get you the software tools you need to succeed
“Having the opportunity to collaborate with a company like enSYNC has been very important to CCA. We’ve had several ideas grow out of our sessions together. The successful multi-year membership is just one of those ideas.”
Alaina Yepez, Director of Membership for CCA
Case Study: Coastal Conservation Association
The Coastal Care association (CCA) started in 1977, with the goal of protecting the Texas Gulf Coast. Today it has chapters in 18 states, serving recreational anglers and coastal communities and habitats.
CCA’s problem was a good one to have: membership was too big for their staff to handle. Each new member had to be added manually, each renewal processed individually, and their staff had to work overtime even with the support of temps.
The solution was not to hire additional staff - the solution was automation.
Nowadays anglers can sign up from their mobile phones while they sit on their boat, and the CCA has continued to grow explosively without needing to add to staff for this task.

Take Your Organization to the Next Level
Just fill out the form and we’ll get in touch with more information on how we can not only support your organization’s mission and your members, but increase its profitability, and keep it running in sync.